Electric Fencing Checklist

Planning the layout of your electric fence will help reduce the amount of time you need to for your fence installation. You will need to consider the geography of your farm, the type of animals being controlled and the location of your power supply (if using a mains/line powered energizer) and whether to build a Permannent or Temporary electric fence.

The best electric fence is the one that is suited to your requirements.

The electric fencing checklist below contains various fencing products for your fence installation. With the fencing diagrams we wanted to visually show you product usage within a fence installation.

Permanent – Electric Fencing Checklist

  • Speedrite Energizer or Unigizer®, Solar, 220V / 110V or battery powered energizer
  • Ground rods and clamps
  • Cut-out switches
  • Fence alert(s)
  • Remote/Fault Finder
  • Wire strainers
  • Post insulators
  • Lightning diverter
  • Warning sign(s)
  • Joint clamps
  • End strain insulators
  • Underground cable
  • Gate hardware
Electric Fencing Checklist permanent fence example

NOTE: This diagram is an example of a permanent type fence products you may require for your install.

Temporary – Electric Fencing Checklist

  • Solar, Unigizer®, or battery powered energizer
  • Ground Rod (T-Bar)
  • Reel(s)
  • Tape, wire or braid
  • SENTINEL tread-in or pigtail tread-in post
  • No kick handle
  • Jumper leads
  • Mounting post(s)
Electric Fencing Checklist temporary fence

NOTE:  This diagram is an example of a Temporary type fence products you may require for your install.



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